
的 国际教育 Office provides students and faculty opportunities to participate in academic and cultural programs around the world.

的 goals of the 国际教育 Office are:

  • Increase study/travel abroad opportunities for faculty and students
  • Prepare faculty and students to travel abroad with pre-departure guidance and resources
  • Identify funding sources to increase opportunities
  • Maintain productive partnerships with international universities
  • Assist faculty in the creation of new study abroad academic course offerings

注意! 的 Spring 2024 window is closed, please check next semester for availability.

KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载 the DSU获得全球护照资助

Delta State University’s International Student Services Office is excited to offer 10 DSU获得全球护照资助s in Spring 2024 to DSU undergraduate or graduate students who have never had a U.S. 护照. Thanks to a generous Delta State University alum, this is the first time we are able to offer this kind of grant to students.

奖金为165美元. 的 $165 will cover the costs for (1) the application fee of a U.S. 护照 book ($130), (2) the execution/acceptance fee ($35).
This award will not cover other fees, 其中可能包括护照照片, 加急费, or travel expenses to submit application materials at the nearest 护照申请 processing center.                                                                                                                                                                      
Grant Application Deadline: No later than 11:59 PM on Tuesday, April 2, 2024. Applying for the grant does not guarantee every student will be approved.


DSU International Student Services will award 报销 for the regular 护照 service fees for eligible applicants applying for their very first U.S. 护照上有 先到先得.

To apply for the study abroad grant:

1. 完成 DSU获得全球护照资助 application 并提交. After the grant application is approved, the applicant will be informed by DSU International Student Services.

2. 完成一个 护照申请 (可在邮局索取)或 http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/passports.html. Or, you can come to the 国际服务 Office in Union 204 for assistance.

3. 护照申请须 2护照照片.  You can receive FREE 护照 photos by attending a DSU Passport Photo Day during the spring semester. Also, 护照 photo service can often be found at Walgreens, CVS, and other businesses for a fee.  美国.S. 邮局s can also take 护照 photos for a fee.

4. 进入主界面 U.S. 邮局 在克利夫兰210 S. 克里斯曼大道, or your hometown post office or county records office (check to see who processes 护照s in your area) to apply for your 护照.

5. 带上U的证明.S. 国籍( 出生证明, for example) with you to the post office when you apply for your 护照.

6. 检查 (personal, certified, cashier’s) and/or 钱的订单 are the accepted forms of payment for 护照 processing. 的 total cost as of March 8, 2024 is $165 (excluding photos).  的re will be an additional fee if a U.S. 邮局也拍照片. 的 Cleveland post office does not accept credit cards as a form of payment, so make sure you have an alternate form of payment (checks seem to be the best form of payment).  了解更多信息 on accepted forms of payment, see http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/passports/information/fees.html

7. 显示一个 照片的身份证 (i.e. 驾驶执照),当你申请.

8. 保存所有收据. Make sure to save all receipts, as costs cannot be reimbursed without receipts. Once you have applied at the post office, come to the International Student Services office with your receipts as proof for your 报销. You will be issued a check ($130+$35 = $165) for the regular 护照 service fees you have paid. Check issuing may take up to two weeks upon verification of 护照 receipts.

9. Bring your 护照 to the International Student Services Office after you have received it (average 护照 processing is 8-10 weeks).

有关问题和更多信息, including assistance with the 护照申请, 请联系米歇尔·约翰森, 助理协调员 of International Student Services, at mjohansen@delta状态.edu or stop by the ISS Office in Union 204.

Eramus +

的 Erasmus+ program is the European Union program for education, training, youth, and sport. It offers opportunities for mobility (travel) of students, staff, and faculty. DSU is one of three partner universities in the United States with an Erasmus+ partnership with KUL.

请查看 Eramus + 网页查阅详情!

请查看 日本外联倡议 网页查阅详情!

U.S. 国务院的本杰明一. Gilman International Scholarship Program enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity.

To be eligible for the Gilman Program, applicants must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or provide proof that they will be receiving a Pell Grant during the term of their study abroad program or internship.

A selected student may receive up to $5,000.到国外学习或实习.

的 Institute of 国际教育 has administered the program since its inception in 2001.

了解更多信息, please contact Gilman Scholarship Adviser 米歇尔·约翰森 at mjohansen@delta状态.edu.

Union 204; DSU Box 3232
P: 662.846.4574