

The Office of 人力资源 is in charge of managing the recruitment budget 为 Delta State University. 招聘预算包括下列费用:

  • 空缺职位的广告费用
  • 教师职位面试候选人的差旅、膳食和住宿
  • 新雇员的搬家费用
  • Legal fees incurred from assisting 工作人员 和 faculty with obtaining H1-B 和 permanent residency
  • 背景调查

Interview budgets 为 faculty positions should be submitted to 人力资源 only the 教师 Certification of Credentials Form has been approved by the Office of Academic Affairs.  在这一步骤完成之前,不会批准任何预算.

We have a very small budget to cover these items; 因此, it is required that you contact the Office of 人力资源 prior to inviting any c和idates on campus or committing to any other expenses that would be paid from this fund. Departments may be required to assume a portion of the expenses 为 the c和idate’s visit, 取决于资金的可用性.  Funds are available 为 faculty interviews 和 may be available 为 select 工作人员 positions.  请与人力资源部门联系,以确定员工职位是否有资格获得资助.  面试预算只会被批准 一个 每个职位的候选人.

旅行 expenses will only be approved 为 c和idates from locations in the US to campus.  The Office of 人力资源 reserves the right to deny reimbursement 为 any expense that was not pre-approved.  Please advise your department faculty/工作人员 和 your c和idates to be economical when making travel arrangements, 晚餐会议, 住宿预订, 等. 或者部门可能会被要求分担更大比例的费用.

注意: 旅行 budgets 为 on-campus interviews 为 non-tenure track faculty will not be approved except in special circumstances 和 with additional justification.  请与HR联系获取相关信息和所需的批准.

在邀请面试候选人到校园之前, all departments must submit an estimate budget of the expenses 为 每一个 c和idate 和 obtain approval from the Office of 人力资源. Expenses incurred that were not pre-approved by the Office of 人力资源 will be the responsibility of the hiring department.


以下信息提供了指导方针, 指令, 模板, 以及开始招聘过程时要使用的表格. Please review carefully prior to starting your c和idate Search 和 contact the Office of 人力资源 should t在这里 be any items that have not been addressed 在这里. Budgets will only be approved to bring 一个 c和idate to campus 为 每一个 open position.


  • The interview budget should be submitted to 人力资源 as soon as the department has approval from the appropriate Vice President to invite the c和idate to campus.  对于教员候选人, budgets cannot be approved until the 教师 Certification of Credentials Form has been completed 和 approved by the Provost.
  • 候选人, 与招聘部门协商, 谁负责安排旅行, 比如机票或开车的计划.  这些费用将被退还给候选人. 机票不能直接开给DSU.
  • The hiring department is responsible 为 making lodging 和 餐 arrangements 为 the c和idate.  Expenses 为 a local hotel can be direct billed to HR with an approved budget.


  • The hiring department prepares purchase requisitions to reimburse all expenses related to their c和idate’s visit. 这包括支付给候选人的机票费用, 给教职员工吃饭或旅行, 以及任何采购卡的采购. A c和idate’s expenses cannot be direct billed to DSU or reimbursed by HR until 后 the c和idate’s arrival on campus.
    • Hotel invoices should also be acquired by the hiring department 和 为warded to 人力资源 为 payment.
    • All purchase requisitions or 旅行 Authorization 为ms to reimburse interview c和idates 和/or individual faculty or 工作人员 members 为 approved expenses incurred during the interview must be submitted to 人力资源 为 signature 和 approval by the Director of 人力资源 within 访问后7个工作日 或DSU HR保留拒绝付款的权利.
    • All interview c和idates will need to submit a W9 为m in order to be reimbursed.  该表格可在以下采购供应商信息页面找到: http://sbs.85500171.com/finance-admin/procurement/vendor-information/
  • Purchase Requisitions to pay DSU procurement cards must be submitted to 人力资源 within 收到当月对账单后3个工作日.

注意: 如果雇佣一个 国际候选人 他们需要DSU担保签证才能有资格工作, 这个过程需要三个月才能完成 常规加工.  如果加急处理需要加快审批, 这需要额外支付1200多美元的费用, 招聘部门可能会被要求承担其中的一部分, 和 处理仍然需要6周或更长时间.  Please adjust your hiring timeline accordingly to account 为 the additional time necessary.


请在创建您的 面试预算.



  • 如果可以的话,应该为候选人保留Cassity Hall.  Please contact the office of the Vice President of Finance at 4004 first to check availability 和, 如果可用, 预订一个房间 凯西厅预订表.  可以在这里找到有关Cassity Hall的信息 在这里.
  • 如果Cassity Hall不在的话, the individual department is responsible 为 reserving a local hotel room 和 having it directly billed to the 人力资源 Department in order to receive the DSU rate 和 waive tax.
  • HR will reimburse up to the maximum negotiated rate at local hotels 为 any hotel stay outside of Clevel和.  该部门将负责任何额外的费用.

Please contact the Office of Human Resource at x4035 为 local hotel in为mation.  参观结束后,请填写一张表格 纸质申请表格, attach the original hotel invoice, 和 send to 人力资源 为 signatures 和 coding.


  • T在这里 will be a dollar limit placed on the total allowance 为 餐 during a c和idate’s visit to campus based on the duration of the visit.
    • Please see the guidelines below 为 the maximum amounts to use 为 每一个 餐.
    • A st和ard interview duration 为 a faculty position is 1 full day 和 2 partial days when the c和idate arrives 和 departs.  Expenses 为 interviews extending beyond this duration require additional justification to be reimbursable.
  • 适用于目前就职于KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的考生, HR will only reimburse the cost of 一个 (1) 餐 on the day of the scheduled interviews.
  • HR will only reimburse the cost food 为 the c和idate 和 two (2) committee/faculty/工作人员 members 为 每一个 餐.
  • 提交所有报销申请 纸质申请表格. An 必须提交详细的收据原件 每顿饭的费用.
    • 如果这顿饭是用DSU采购卡支付的, please submit a copy of the month’s statement on which the charges appear with the paper purchase requisition.
  • 完成一个 食物购买表格每一个 餐. 请参阅已完成的采购申请单和食品采购表格示例 在这里.


  • 配偶餐 & 教职员工的子女
  • 餐 为 any attendees beyond the c和idate 和 two faculty or 工作人员 members
  • 酒精饮料
  • 使用DSU采购卡的服务费
  • 公开会议的茶点, 招待会, 或者与候选人和部门的教员一起到学校买饭, 工作人员, 或学生
  • 根据州法律,小费超过账单总额的20%


  • 候选人在学校吃的每顿饭,估计60美元.
  • 每顿午餐,候选人将在校园里,估计50美元.
  • 每顿早餐,候选人将在校园,估计15美元.

这意味着在一个标准的面试中,候选人在一个下午到达, 第二天一整天都呆在那里, 然后在第三天早上离开, 最高总偿还额为200美元.  The department will be responsible 为 not exceeding the total amount approved 为 餐 using the above amounts, 但每餐不受限制.  This means that if the cost of 一个 餐 does not exceed the per 餐 estimate, 然后这笔钱可以用来支付另一顿饭的费用, 比如晚餐.  注意: This does not mean that the savings can be used to pay 为 the 餐 of additional faculty/工作人员 members.  HR will not reimburse 为 additional faculty/工作人员 为 每一个 餐 beyond the approved two.


请注意,旅费(i.e. 如果提前订票,机票会便宜一些. When possible the Office of 人力资源 asks that interviews be scheduled at least two weeks in advance to cut down on travel expenses. Departments should also avoid scheduling interviews on or around holidays when travel costs are higher.  If t在这里 is an immediate need to bring the c和idate to campus 和 the travel expense is high, 招聘部门可能会被要求承担一部分费用.  人力资源 will not pay 为 travel expenses 为 c和idates from destinations outside the US.

所有考生应自行安排行程.  旅行 expenses are not to be direct billed to DSU 和 cannot be reimbursed prior to the c和idate’s arrival on campus,以避免任何与取消访问有关的问题.  C和idates may be reimbursed 为 the following costs with original, itemized receipts:

  • 机票、火车票或汽车票
  • 以65英里的速度行驶.开车去学校时每英里5美分.  这应该记录在 采购申请单.
  • 行李费
  • 机场停车

Please itemize expenses beyond airfare 和 mileage under the Miscellaneous column on the 面试预算 在评论部分填写并提供解释.


  • 往返机场接送候选人. Please follow the university policies 为 travel authorizations 和 submit all appropriate travel 为ms to procurement.  所有表格和政策都可以在 旅游授权网页.  如果租不到车, the employee will be reimbursed 为 gas used 为 the trip with itemized receipts.
    • 在企业预订时, employees must request 和 intermediate/mid-sized car 和 should decline all optional insurances that are offered.
    • 适用于所有汽车, any gas receipts submitted 为 reimbursement must show the number of gallons purchased 和 the price per gallon, 根据州政策.


  • 候选人租车的费用; 除非 less expensive than the total amount 为 faculty/工作人员 to travel to the airport to pick up the c和idate under the current travel guidelines 和 Enterprise rental agreement.
  • 未提供原始分项收据的物品

Please note faxed or emailed copies of invoices or receipts are not acceptable 为 payment by the 采购 office. Invoices with “estimated expenses” are not considered a final invoice 和 will not be acceptable 为 reimbursement. 您必须提交原始的最终发票.  All reimbursements paid to the c和idate must include the c和idate’s social security number on the purchase requisition 和 the c和idate must complete a W9 为m.


在审查住宿指南后, 餐, 和旅行, 请为每位候选人制定面试预算. 人力资源办公室只会批准预算 一个 候选人到校园参加每个空缺职位的面试. C和idates should be ranked 和 the top c和idate 为 the position invited to campus 为 an interview.   On-campus interviews 为 additional c和idates will be approved only in cases w在这里 the job offer is declined or in extraordinary circumstances.  请提供面试费用的预算模板 点击这里 or go to the DSU 网站 under 人力资源表格 和 click on 面试预算 Template. 提交预算供审查的步骤如下:

  1. 完成 面试预算 Template. We prefer that you type the 为m in the Excel Spreadsheet 和 submit as an attachment to an email so revisions can be made if necessary.
  2. 将完成的预算通过电子邮件发送至 雷切尔贝克 开始审查过程.
  3. The Office of 人力资源 will review the Budget Estimate 和 contact you with a decision or any revisions.

注意: Interview budgets 为 all faculty positions cannot be approved until the 教师 Certification of Credentials Form has been submitted 和 approved by the Office of Academic Affairs.


在有限的情况下,搬家费用可以得到支持. 请查看 搬家费用报销 政策详情.


KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载用于广告的资金非常有限. It is our goal to reduce the advertising expenses as much as possible while also bringing in promising, 受过教育的候选人. 我们请求你们协助实现这一目标. You can help by thinking about the position you have open 和 matching it with the best publication, 网站, or organization that you feel will have readers/subscribers who would make possible c和idates. Please submit job advertisements to other universities 和 organizations that you feel would generate promising applicants.

If you feel t在这里 are potential c和idates on campus or in the area that would be a good match 为 your position, 请不要要求在大学网站之外做广告. We will advertise on the DSU 网站 和 you should encourage the potential c和idates to submit an application through PeopleAdmin. If the position is only advertised on the DSU 网站 和 we have not received sufficient applications, 然后我们可以考虑重新开放这个职位,并公开做广告.

为了减少开支, the Human Resource office will advertise with the most cost efficient method. 例如, 在《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》上刊登印刷广告的平均费用是450美元, 网费为295美元,没有字数限制, 因此, 我们只在网上做广告.

The Office of 人力资源 makes the final decision as to whether a position will be advertised. Examples of positions that will not be advertised outside of the DSU 网站 are:

  • 行政或秘书
  • 保管的
  • 家居
  • 宿舍助理


如果你的职位是资助的, the Office of 人力资源 will consult with the department/division to determine if t在这里 is m一个y in the grant to assist in paying 为 the advertising.


If your position has been advertised publicly 和 has expired with an insufficient number of applications received, you may request additional advertising by sending an email with a detailed explanation of your request to 丽贝卡酒.

The Office of 人力资源 reserves the right to amend any 和 all of the 招聘预算指引 as deemed necessary.