McNair Research Scholars Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant Must Either:

A. 合格的 first-generation college student 并满足 low-income guidelines established by the United States   Department of Education. 看到 here for a Current-year Low-Income Levels for 2024.


B. Be a member of an ethnic group that is 代表名额不足的 in graduate education. 美国.S. 政府目前将“代表性不足的群体”明确定义为非洲裔美国人, 拉美裔, 印第安人, 本土阿拉斯加, 本土的夏威夷, and Pacific Islander.

Applicant Must Also:

  1. Be a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States. 如果您在美国不是为了临时目的,并且可以提供移民和归化局的证据证明您打算成为永久居民,您也可能符合资格. Eligibility also is granted to permanent residents of Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, 或太平洋岛屿托管领土,或为自由联合国之一之居民.
  2. Be currently attending Delta State University as an undergraduate student.
  3. 至少有一个 2.5总GPA. 这是最小值.
  4. Have a strong intention to pursue a Graduate/Professional Degree, specifically a Doctoral Degree after graduation.
  5. 有强烈的愿望学习如何进行正式的研究和参与现实世界的研究项目.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if my GPA is below a 2.50?

研究生招生委员会通常要求博士申请者的GPA不低于3分.00. Admission to the McNair Research Scholars Program is competitive, 但我们鼓励申请人与麦克奈尔的工作人员联系,讨论特殊情况. 一旦接受了, 麦克奈尔学者必须在每学期结束时取得令人满意的GPA成绩,才能继续保持良好的信誉. Good standing from semester to semester must be a 2.50或以上. 如果你对你的GPA有任何疑问或担忧,请联系麦克奈尔的工作人员.

What am I committing to?

  • 在秋季/春季学期,你将积极参与所有的学术活动,包括咨询会议, graduate school preparation workshops, academic enrichment, 团队建设, 等.
  • No event is mandatory, only strongly advised. 然而, 重要的是,你是一个积极的参与者,这样你就能得到作为麦克奈尔学者的充分经验. 如果您不参加活动,我们将与您会面,讨论您对该计划的兴趣.
  • 如果可以的话, 在你从KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载毕业之前,参加暑期研究/实习经历.
  • Take the Summer Research Methods Course in a summer before you graduate. This class is currently PSY 330.

我是大四学生. Is it too late to become a McNair Scholar?

最重要的是你什么时候毕业,而不是你的班级成绩. 如果你在毕业前还有一个暑假可以参加暑期研究项目, it may not be too late. 联系麦克奈尔办公室,与主任讨论您的个人情况.

我是大二学生. Is it too late to become a McNair Scholar?

绝对不是! 事实上, it is especially important to use the summers between academic years in ways that will help you with your academic and career plans; an internship, study abroad experience, other summer research opportunities, 等.在申请研究生课程时,这些都是非常宝贵的资产. 我们建议在你的本科生涯中尽早与麦克奈尔办公室交谈,这样我们就可以帮助你制定麦克奈尔的时间表,并在大二之后充分利用你的夏天.

Are part-time students eligible to become McNair Scholars?

No. 麦克奈尔学者必须注册为全日制本科生(至少12学时).


McNair Scholars are provided with tremendous help, 为了度过通往研究生院的艰难而有时令人困惑的道路. 学者与教师顾问和导师配对,作为榜样, research supervisors, offer personalized advice, 推荐学者参加他们感兴趣的专业和研究生课程的会议.

Workshops and seminars on topics such as: research methods, writing a personal statement, choosing a graduate school program, graduate school funding, graduate student success, library and Internet resources, and presentation skills building. 这些事情与一个为期十周的教师指导的暑期研究项目相结合, have a proven track record of success, 为麦克奈尔学者在研究生院的工作做准备.


During the summer internship, 学者们将获得研究实习的财政支持,并获得交通和食宿方面的援助. There are also long-term financial advantages–see the next question.

Will the McNair Research Scholars program help me get into graduate school?

是的. 许多研究生院为麦克奈尔学者提供申请费减免,一些研究生院积极招收麦克奈尔学者,并为他们提供研究生奖学金. Graduate schools know that McNair Scholars are motivated, have an understanding of the rigors and culture of graduate study, and have research and/or scholarship experience. 教师顾问和导师以及麦克奈尔的工作人员提供有关研究生课程和援助来源的丰富信息和建议. 除了, 麦克奈尔学者可以在国家麦克奈尔学者列表服务上签字,从那里他们可以了解奖学金, 奖学金, 助教奖学金, special offers from graduate schools, and insider’s tips from past Scholars who have entered doctoral programs.

Are there trips associated with McNair Research Scholars?

是的. KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的麦克奈尔研究学者有机会参观潜在的研究生院, participate and present at conferences, and attend events to supplement their research. There will be many opportunities for group travel visits. Each trip will include social and cultural events (i.e. 戏剧, 音乐剧, 音乐会, 讲座, non-American restaurants, 博物馆, 旅游, 等) and scholarly activities. 我们将承担各种会议的所有差旅费和注册费.

Will participating in the Program cost me anything?

No, just a great deal of time and dedication! We will cover the costs of any McNair required materials, you will not pay tuition dollars for McNair seminars or courses, 我们甚至会为你的暑期项目支付合理的研究费用. We will cover travel costs and registration fees for various conferences. We will even pay for your attendance to social and cultural events (i.e. 戏剧, 音乐剧, 音乐会, guest 讲座, non-American restaurants, 等.) with other McNair Scholars. 我们在这里是为了让你的学术生活更丰富,而不是更昂贵. During the summers, while completing your research, 通过完成基准测试,您将能够获得高达2800美元的奖金.

What is expected of me during the Summer Research/Internship Experience?

All program participants have the opportunity to:

  • Conduct graduate level summer research for 8 weeks, 每周30小时, 在KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载或在美国的其他大学/机构.
  • 参与研究写作和研究生入学准备课程.
  • Work with a selected 教师 Mentor at Delta State University.
  • Enroll in a 3 hour course – PSY 330 “Research Methods”
  • 撰写并提交各种基准,包括你的研究成果的学术论文.
  • Receive up to $2800.

Is summer research mandatory for McNair Scholars?

No. 我们的麦克奈尔学者不需要暑期研究实习,但我们强烈鼓励. They look impressive on a resume for graduate school, so it is recommended for you to consider completing a summer internship. If you would have a second summer available before you graduate, 我们会鼓励你追求其他研究项目或暑期机会, like internships and study abroad, to help you become more competitive for graduate school. +, 我们努力工作,以确保您不必支付这些经验的口袋, so why not take advantage of this opportunity offered to you?

Can I be employed and still be a Scholar?

Many of the McNair Scholars are employed during the academic year. 然而, during the summer research program, 你会发现,在做全职研究的同时,还要承担一个结构化的研究生准备项目,这是相当艰巨的挑战. 因为这个原因, 麦克奈尔学者在暑期项目期间不得上课或受雇, which typically runs early June through late July.