Bachelor of Business
Administration in General Business

Our B.B.A. in General Business Generates Tangible Results

The College of Business and Aviation 提供一般商业工商管理学士学位. 一般商业课程向学生介绍商业各个方面的基础知识, 包括这些方面如何相互作用以促成一个成功的组织. 学生将学习有关业务功能和操作的广泛和普遍的观点. With 24 hours of business electives in the curriculum, 该计划允许学生最灵活地定制他们的学位,并参加他们希望作为职业的专业领域的课程. 综合工商管理专业在最抢手专业排行榜上占据主导地位. 该课程是管理学中最大的注册学位课程, Marketing, and Business Administration Division, and can prepare you for a rewarding career.


Online or On-campus Option


Program-specific Scholarships


Student-Faculty Ratio

Why Choose General Business at DSU?


一般商业专业的学生具备可在多个领域使用的宝贵和可转移的技能, such as problem-solving, communication, analytical skills, and teamwork. 一般商科学生对商业有整体的看法, an understanding of each aspect of business, 以及在整个职业生涯中在业务角色和职能之间转换的灵活性. 这转化为更高的员工需求和更高的收入潜力. 它让毕业生能够灵活地在不同角色之间转换,成为自己职业道路的建筑师, with the skills necessary to thrive in any position. And for the entrepreneur, 该计划为您提供工具,让您的小企业愿景成为现实.

  • A customizable course of study
  • Experiential hands-on learning
  • A broad perspective on business
  • Current event discussions
  • Professional networking opportunities
  • Multiple employment opportunities
ACBSP Accredited Badge
Kaine Wilson, BBA General Business major


Kaine Wilson, BBA in General Business majorClass of 2023

Concentrations in General Business


General Business Administration

Our General Business concentration 提供的学位涵盖了与商业相关的广泛主题, such as accounting, finance, marketing, and management. 一般商业集中提供所有商业学科的深入课程. 对于那些不确定自己想要从事什么具体业务领域的学生来说,普通商业学位是一个不错的选择, 或者想要接受全面的商业教育的人. 对于那些希望能够在各种不同的商业环境中工作的学生来说,它们也是一个很好的选择.



Our Entrepreneurship concentration 为学生提供开办和经营自己的企业所需的技能和知识. 这种专注使学生在商业规划等领域做好准备, marketing, finance, management, business law, and accounting. 我们的创业学生获得实践学习经验, such as pitch competitions, and have the ability to participate in internships. 专注于企业家精神也为学生准备“内部企业家精神”,即员工在组织内部表现出企业家精神.e. innovative thinking).

如果你对自己创业或追求行业创新感兴趣, 专注于创业是一个很好的开始方式.

上课时坐在课桌前完成作业的学生, 他身后的另外六个学生也坐在课桌前完成作业.


Our Agri-business concentration 是为了让学生为农业行业的职业生涯做好准备. Our program covers a wide range of topics, including project management, environmental regulation, economic botany, human resource management, strategic management, and more. 您将培养强大的领导能力和解决问题的能力,以及全面的商业基础,为您在农业行业的各种职业做好准备, such as farm manager, agricultural economist, farm equipment manufacturing and sales, farming operations, and agricultural marketer.

三角洲州还提供了一个更注重科学的农业企业集中,通过 B.S. in Environmental Science.

What Can I Do With a B.B.A. in General Business?

A Delta State graduate with a B.B.A. 一般商业学位自信地进入职场, skilled and equipped in real-world business situations. 一般商业学士课程将为您在当今商业世界中提供的广泛的职业机会做好准备. 课程不是专门针对某一特定领域的. 该课程旨在从广阔的视角为学生提供知识和技能.

  • Accountant
  • Financial analyst
  • Marketing manager
  • Human resources manager
  • Operations manager
  • Customer service coordinator
  • Sales/Marketing associate
  • Entrepreneur
  • Office manager
  • Store manager
  • Farm manager
  • Agricultural economist

Business Scholarships

商业和航空学院为学生提供各种奖学金, many of which are based on merit, academic concentration, leadership, and other qualifying factors. There are over 20 scholarships for management majors. 学生也可能有资格获得非特定项目的奖学金机会.

Program Goals

通用商业课程旨在让学生学习使用定性和定量分析方法分析商业情况, 根据定性和定量分析的结果进行评估并提出建议, effectively communicate in written and oral formats, and prepare a business plan.

Admission Requirements

这个项目的申请者必须满足KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的要求 undergraduate admission requirements.

There are no additional program admission requirements.



General Business

Courses Credits
Approved Business Electives


Course Number and Course Title Credits
CIS 235: Microcomputer Applications II 3
FIN 302: Small Business Finance 3
FIN 310: Risk and Insurance 3
FIN 403: Working Capital Management 3
MGT 370: Entrepreneurship, or
MKT 370: Entrepreneurship
MGT 484: Organizational Behavior 3
MKT 321: Professional Selling 3
MKT 330: Promotional Strategies, or
MKT 435: Social Media Marketing


Course Number Course Title Credits
CIS 351 Project Management 3
CIS 331 Systems Analysis and Design 3
CIS 475 E-Commerce Application Development 3
BIO 123 Foundations of Environmental Science 3
BIO 309 Environmental Regulations 3
BIO 404 Economic Botany 4
BIO 410 Plant Anatomy 4
BIO 415 Materials and Methods in Environmental Science 4
GIS 202 Introduction to GIS 3

Degree Requirements

To earn this degree, you must successfully complete at least 120 credits, 包括你的通识教育要求和下面的专业要求. You must also earn a grade point average of at least 2.在专业领域总体成绩为0,并顺利完成Senior Capstone项目.

General Education 39-41
University Requirement 1
Special Degree Requirements 6
Business Core 42
Major 24-30
Electives 0-8

有关学位要求和完成学位所需课程的更多信息, consult the Undergraduate Academic Catalog. 有关如何在4年内完成该学位的学期细分,请访问 academic maps.

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