Division of Mathematics & Sciences

Master of Science in Natural Sciences


  • Master of Science in Natural Sciences, biological sciences emphasis
    for science teachers desiring advanced study primarily in biology.
  • Master of Science in Natural Sciences, physical sciences emphasis
    for those desiring advanced study primarily in chemistry. Both teaching oriented and research oriented options are available.

Admission to the program

Full admission. Admission requirements differ for each area of emphasis. Application does not guarantee admission to a graduate program. 录取是有选择性的,录取或不录取申请人是由部门委员会根据所有必要的和其他申请材料的全面评估来决定的,因为它们与成功完成研究生课程要求的潜力有关. 被拒绝入学的申请人将被告知拒绝的原因以及在什么情况下可以重新申请. 强烈建议申请人在启动正式申请程序之前咨询部门研究生协调员,了解他/她的入学资格.

Non-degree Admission. An applicant who is unable to satisfy requirements for full admission may be admitted on a non-degree, watch-care status to improve undergraduate credentials and to meet full admission requirements. No more than 9 graduate level semester hours earned while enrolled under non-degree status may be applied to degree. Only credits earned with a grade of B or better may be applied.

Student Responsibility. The graduate student must accept full responsibility of knowing and following the policies, regulations, 与MSNS学位课程相关的生物科学系或物理科学系和研究生院的时间表.

MSNS: Biological Sciences Emphasis

Full admission

This emphasis provides specialized training for science teachers. Full admission status may be granted to an applicant who:

  1. Holds a baccalaureate degree from an institution fully accredited by one of the recognized accrediting agencies.
  2. Has completed, as a minimum, coursework equivalent to general biology, general botany, and general zoology along with a minimum of one course from each of the following sub-discipline areas: taxonomy/ecology; cytology/microbiology/genetics; anatomy/developmental biology/physiology.
  3. Has earned a minimum acceptable overall undergraduate grade point average of 2.75 with a 3.00 GPA minimum on all major and other relevant coursework completed during the applicant’s last 64 undergraduate hours.
  4. Holds or qualifies to hold a Class A teaching certificate, or its equivalent based on a baccalaureate degree in biology. 缺乏教学证书的申请人必须签署一份弃权书,声明他/她意识到MSNS学位不构成认证.

学生必须通过完成研究生水平的前9个学期的工作,提交适当的文件,以验证满足上述要求1-4的要求. 没有做到这一点的学生将在下一个学期的入学中被转移到非学位状态,并且不能参加适用于学位课程的额外课程. Requirements must be satisfied during that term of enrollment or the student will be dropped from the program. Furthermore, the student must complete the following tasks prior to completion of the first 9 hours of major subject coursework:

  1. Establish a graduate advisory committee
  2. File a tentative program of study approved by the advisory committee, the Division Chair, and the Dean of Arts and Sciences.

未按规定完成1和2课程的学生将在下个学期被转移到非学位状态,并且禁止注册适用于学位课程的其他专业课程. Requirements must be satisfied during that term of enrollment or the student will be dropped from the program.

Degree Requirements

A candidate for the MSNS: Biological Sciences Emphasis is required to

  1. Fulfill the general requirements for a graduate degree at Delta State University.
  2. Complete a minimum of 33 semester hours of graduate credit, one-half of which must be 600-level.
  3. Earn a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 in all coursework listed on the approved program of study and separately in all major courses in biology listed on the program of study.
  4. 通过由生物和物理科学研究生课程委员会和学生研究生咨询委员会制定和管理的最终口头综合考试,涵盖生物学的广泛学科和学生感兴趣的特定领域.
  5. Prepare a teaching portfolio to be presented during the oral comprehensive examination.

MSNS: Biological Sciences Emphasis curriculum

Courses Credit Notes
Core Education Courses
Educational Psychology EPY 601 3 Psychology of learning
Educational Methods ELR 605 3 Methods of educational research and statistics
Educational Thought CUR 608 3 Historical foundations of educational thought and curriculum methodology
Required Biology Courses
Conceptual Biology BIO 540 3 Evolution and systematics
Biology Education BIO 601 3 Problems in teaching biology in the secondary schools
Biology Electives
Designated Electives Three courses 12 Choose on course in each of the following areas: (1) ecology, (2) cell/molecular biology, (3) structure/function
Other electives Two courses 6 Choose from any graduate level biology courses
Total hours minimum 33
在研讨会形式的生物课程中获得的最多三个学期的学分可以用于完成15小时的生物选修课. Enrollment in the workshop must be approved by the student’s advisor.

MSNS: Physical Sciences Emphasis

Full admission

在国家认可的考试中取得满意分数的申请人,可以获得自然科学硕士学位课程(物理科学重点)的全部录取资格, standardized test of verbal skills AND who:

  1. Holds a baccalaureate degree from an institution fully accredited by one of the recognized accrediting agencies
  2. Has completed, as a minimum, coursework equivalent to two semesters of general chemistry, two semesters of organic chemistry, one semester of quantitative analysis, and one semester of physical chemistry
  3. Has earned a minimum acceptable overall undergraduate grade point average of 2.75 with a 3.00 GPA minimum on all major and other relevant coursework completed during the applicant’s last 64 undergraduate hours
  4. Submits a score for either the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test or the PRAXIS II Science Content Exam.
  5. Holds or qualifies to hold a Class A teaching certificate, or its equivalent based on a baccalaureate degree in chemistry (for the option A applicants only). An option A applicant who does not yet qualify for an A certificate may be admitted, 但有一条规定,在授予学位之前,必须达到密西西比州对物理科学教学A级证书的要求. This requirement is not subject to waiver.

学生必须在完成研究生水平的前9个学期的工作后,通过向研究生学习办公室提交适当的文件,验证是否满足上述(除5外)的所有入学要求. 没有做到这一点的学生将在下一个学期的入学中被转移到非学位状态,并且不能参加适用于学位课程的额外课程. Requirements must be satisfied during that term of enrollment or the student will be dropped from the program. Furthermore, the student must complete the following tasks prior to completion of the first 9 hours of major subject coursework:

  1. Establish a graduate advisory committee
  2. File a program of study approved by the advisory committee, the Division Chair, and the Dean of Arts and Sciences, 未能按照规定完成第1和第2项的学生将在下一个学期的入学中被转移到非学位状态,并且禁止参加适用于学位课程的额外专业课程. Requirements must be satisfied during that term of enrollment or the student will be dropped from the program.)
  3. Be accepted by a major advisor for research direction (for the option B – research applicants only). An applicant seeking a research focus should consult with appropriate faculty who have compatible interests prior to application. 除非在学生和愿意担任研究主任的研究生教员之间进行协商,否则不能保证研究选项将可用. The faculty member must provide a written statement of acceptance for research direction to the student and the division Chair. 只有当学生被认为有潜力成功完成一个独立的研究项目,并且知道教师和部门有足够和适当的资源来支持学生的需求时,特定教师才会接受学生的研究方向. Because of time and resource constraints, more applications for research direction are received than can be accepted. Thus, research option positions are very selective and competitive.

未按规定完成1和2课程的学生将在下个学期被转移到非学位状态,并且禁止注册适用于学位课程的其他专业课程. Requirements must be satisfied during that term of enrollment or the student will be dropped from the program.

Degree Requirements

A candidate for the MSNS: Physical Sciences Emphasis is required to

  1. Fulfill the general requirements for a graduate degree at Delta State University
  2. Complete a minimum of 33 semester hours of graduate credit, one-half of which must be 600-level
  3. Earn a minimum overall GPA of 3.在批准的学习计划中列出的所有课程中,以及在学习计划中列出的所有主要化学课程中,分别达到0分
  4. 通过最终综合考试的口头和书面部分,该考试部分由生物和物理科学研究生课程委员会制定和管理,部分由学生的研究生咨询委员会管理,涵盖化学的广泛学科和学生感兴趣的特定领域
  5. 完成一个经批准的化学领域的研究项目,并在期末综合考试的口头部分为研究方向的学生辩护. An option B student may substitute additional approved coursework in lieu of the research element.

MSNS: Physical Sciences Emphasis curriculum

Option A Program

Courses Credit Notes
Core Education Courses
Educational Psychology EPY 601 3 Psychology of learning
Educational Methods ELR 605 3 Methods of educational research and statistics
Educational Thought CUR 608 3 Historical foundations of educational thought and curriculum methodology
Required Chemistry Courses
Inorganic Chemistry CHE 504 3 If not taken at the undergraduate level
Chemical Techniques CHE 601 3 Principles and techniques in the physical sciences
Physical Science CHE or PHY courses 12 Choose enough courses to total at least 12 credit hours.
Recommended Electives Two courses 6 Advisor recommended courses
Total hours minimum 33

Option B Program

Courses Credit Notes
Required Chemistry Courses
Inorganic Chemistry CHE 504 3 If not taken at the undergraduate level
Biochemical Methods CHE 541 3 If not taken at the undergraduate level
Topics in Chemistry CHE 612, 625, 680 9 Topics in analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry
Research CHE 689 or 690 3-6 Chemical research or Thesis
Electives in Related Fields
Recommended Electives CHE, PHY, or BIO 12-15 Advisor recommended electives
Total hours minimum 33


Program Coordinator

Dr. Larry Collins
P: (662) 846-4246
F: (662) 846-4798

Address and Mailing

Mathematics & Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences
DSU Box C-4 Walters 114C
Cleveland, MS 38733