数学系 & 科学


The 数学系 and 科学 offers the following masters degree programs for students desiring specialized training in the biological or physical sciences beyond the baccalaureate level.

  • 自然科学理学硕士,生物科学重点
  • 自然科学理学硕士,物理科学重点
    对于那些希望主要在化学方面深造的人. 教学导向和研究导向两种选择都是可用的.


完整的入学. 每个重点领域的入学要求不同. 申请不保证被研究生项目录取. 招生 are selective and decision to admit or not admit an applicant is by department committee based on holistic evaluation of all required and other application materials as they relate to potential for successful completion of requirements of the graduate program. An applicant who is denied admission will be informed as to the reasons for denial and under what circumstances reapplication is advisable. It is strongly advised that an applicant consult with the department graduate coordinator concerning his/her qualifications for admission prior to initiating the formal application process.

非学位的录取. 不能满足全部入学要求的申请人可以被录取为非学位学生, 观察护理状态,提高本科学历,并满足全部入学要求. 在以非学位身份入学时,不超过9个研究生阶段的学时可用于学位. 只有成绩达到B或以上的学分才可以申请.

学生的责任. 研究生必须承担了解和遵守政策的全部责任, 规定, and time lines of the Department of Biological 科学 or Department of 物理科学s and the 研究生 School that are relevant to the MSNS degree program.



这一重点为科学教师提供了专门的培训. 符合下列条件的申请人可获授予完全入学资格:

  1. 持有由公认的认证机构之一完全认可的机构的学士学位.
  2. 已完成, 至少, 课程作业相当于普通生物学, 一般植物学, and general zoology along with a minimum of one course from each of the following sub-discipline areas: taxonomy/ecology; cytology/microbiology/genetics; anatomy/developmental biology/physiology.
  3. 获得最低可接受的本科平均绩点2分.75加3.申请人在本科最后64学时完成的所有专业和其他相关课程的GPA最低为00.
  4. 持有或有资格持有甲级教师资格证书, 或者同等学历的生物学学士学位. An applicant lacking a teaching certificate must sign a waiver stating that he/she realizes that the MSNS degree does not constitute certification.

A student must verify satisfaction of requirements 1-4 for full admission as described above through submission of appropriate documentation by completion of the first 9 semester hours of graduate level work. A student who fails to do this will be moved to Non-degree status for the next term of enrollment and prevented from enrolling in additional coursework applicable to the degree program. 在入学期间必须满足要求,否则学生将被退学. 此外, 学生必须在完成前9个小时的专业课程之前完成以下任务:

  1. 建立研究生咨询委员会
  2. 提交一份经咨询委员会批准的暂定学习计划, 分部主席, 以及文理学院院长.

A student who fails to complete 1 and 2 as specified will be moved to Non-degree status for the next term of enrollment and prohibited from enrolling in additional major coursework applicable to the degree program. 在入学期间必须满足要求,否则学生将被退学.



  1. 满足KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载研究生学位的一般要求.
  2. 完成至少33个学期的研究生学分,其中一半必须是600级.
  3. 总平均成绩不低于3分.在批准的学习计划中列出的所有课程中,以及在学习计划中列出的所有生物专业课程中单独完成0分.
  4. Pass a final oral comprehensive examination formulated by and administered in part by the Division of Biological and 物理科学s 研究生 Program Committee and in part by the student’s graduate advisory committee and covering the broad discipline of biology and the student’s specific area of interest.
  5. 准备一份教学作品集,在口语综合考试时提交.


课程 信贷 笔记
教育心理学 EPY 601 3 学习心理学
教育方法 ELR 605 3 教育研究和统计方法
教育思想 坏蛋608 3 教育思想与课程方法论的历史基础
生物学概念 生物540 3 演化与系统学
生物学教育 生物601 3 中学生物教学存在的问题
指定选修课 三个课程 12 在以下领域中选择一门课程:(1)生态学, (2)细胞/分子生物学, (3)结构/功能
其他的选修课 两门课程 6 选择任何研究生水平的生物学课程
最少工作时数 33
A maximum of three semester hours of credit earned in biology courses taught in a workshop format may be applied toward fulfilling the 15 hours of biology electives. 参加研讨会必须得到学生指导老师的批准.



完整的入学 status to the 自然科学理学硕士 degree program with a 物理科学s Emphasis may be granted to an applicant with a satisfactory score on a nationally recognized, 语言能力的标准化测试

  1. 持有由公认的认证机构之一完全认可的机构的学士学位
  2. 已完成, 至少, 课程相当于两个学期的普通化学, 两个学期的有机化学, 一个学期的定量分析, 还有一个学期的物理化学
  3. 获得最低可接受的本科平均绩点2分.75加3.申请人在本科最后64学时完成的所有专业和其他相关课程的GPA最低为00
  4. 提交研究生入学考试(GRE)普通考试或PRAXIS II科学内容考试的分数.
  5. 持有或有资格持有甲级教师资格证书, 或同等学历的化学学士学位(只适用于选择a的申请人). 尚未达到A证书资格的选项A申请人可能被录取, but with the stipulation that the requirements of the State of Mississippi for an A certificate in physical science teaching must be met before the degree will be awarded. 此要求不受豁免.

A student must verify satisfaction of all requirements for full admission as described above (except 5) through submission of appropriate documentation to the 研究生 Studies Office by completion of the first 9 semester hours of graduate level work. A student who fails to do this will be moved to Non-degree status for the next term of enrollment and prevented from enrolling in additional coursework applicable to the degree program. 在入学期间必须满足要求,否则学生将被退学. 此外, 学生必须在完成前9个小时的专业课程之前完成以下任务:

  1. 建立研究生咨询委员会
  2. 提交经咨询委员会批准的学习计划, 分部主席, 以及文理学院院长, and (A student who fails to complete #1 and #2 as specified will be moved to Non-degree status for the next term of enrollment and prohibited from enrolling in additional major coursework applicable to the degree program. 在入学期间必须满足要求,否则学生将被退学.)
  3. 被研究方向的主要导师接受(只适用于选项B -研究申请人). 寻求研究重点的申请人应在申请之前咨询具有兼容兴趣的适当教师. There can be no guarantee that the reSearch option will be available unless it has been negotiated between the student and a graduate faculty member willing to serve as the reSearch director. 教师必须向学生和系主任提供一份接受研究方向的书面声明. Acceptance of a student for reSearch direction by a given faculty member is made only when the student is considered to have the potential to successfully complete an independent reSearch program and with the knowledge that the faculty member and division have sufficient and appropriate resources available to support the needs of the student. 因为时间和资源的限制, 研究方向的申请收到的比能接受的多. 因此,研究期权职位是非常有选择性和竞争性的.

A student who fails to complete 1 and 2 as specified will be moved to Non-degree status for the next term of enrollment and prohibited from enrolling in additional major coursework applicable to the degree program. 在入学期间必须满足要求,否则学生将被退学.



  1. 满足KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载研究生学位的一般要求
  2. 完成至少33个学期的研究生学分,其中一半必须是600级
  3. 总平均成绩不低于3分.0 in all coursework listed on the approved program of study and separately in all major courses in chemistry listed on the program of study
  4. Pass oral and written components of a final comprehensive examination formulated by and administered in part by the Division of Biological and 物理科学s 研究生 Program Committee and in part by the student’s graduate advisory committee and covering the broad discipline of chemistry and the student’s specific area of interest
  5. Complete an approved reSearch project in the field of chemistry and defend the reSearch during the oral component of the final comprehensive examination for the option B reSearch oriented student only. 选项B的学生可以用额外的经批准的课程来代替研究部分.



课程 信贷 笔记
教育心理学 EPY 601 3 学习心理学
教育方法 ELR 605 3 教育研究和统计方法
教育思想 坏蛋608 3 教育思想与课程方法论的历史基础
无机化学 格瓦拉于504年 3 如果不是在本科阶段
化学技术 格瓦拉于601年 3 物理科学的原理和技术
物理科学 CHE或PHY课程 12 选择足够的课程,至少要修满12个学分.
推荐选修课 两门课程 6 导师推荐课程
最少工作时数 33


课程 信贷 笔记
无机化学 格瓦拉于504年 3 如果不是在本科阶段
生物化学方法 格瓦拉于541年 3 如果不是在本科阶段
化学主题 车612、625、680 9 分析化学、有机化学和物理化学的主题
研究 ch689或ch690 3-6 化学研究或论文
推荐选修课 CHE, PHY或BIO 12-15 导师推荐选修课
最少工作时数 33



Dr. 拉里•柯林斯
P: (662) 846-4246
F: (662) 846-4798


数学 & 科学
文学院 & 科学