
在事业上取得进步或追求新的职业.B.A. 学位

商业与航空学院 at Delta State提供工商管理硕士学位. 我们的MBA课程包括面对面和在线课程的混合. This 30-hour program was developed for working business professionals and recent graduates seeking to expand their interpersonal, 管理, 以及领导能力. 与 4 .业务集中 可供选择的,我们有很多选择,为那些希望提升自己的职业生涯.

该计划可以在短短一年内完成, 但学校鼓励学生按照自己的节奏学习. 的 program is specifically 设计ed to accommodate the busy schedules of business professionals. 在新的职业中追求更有成就感的职业, 或者准备增加多功能性, 进步, 今天报名就有促销机会. 一个完全在线的一年期选择也可以通过 综合MBA课程.









我们的综合 工商管理硕士 program provides you with the tools and skills to meet the demands of a dynamic global business environment. Our curriculum emphasizes the primary functions of management – in both application and theory – and decision-making through analytic and data driven research.

  • 全年接受申请
  • 灵活的入学
  • 在线学生咨询
  • 按照你自己的节奏完成




一般业务集中度 integrates the concepts of strategic planning such as visioning and adapting to internal and external environmental changes, 管理物理操作, and the utilization of information 技术 to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the business. 在从小型企业到全球性公司的组织环境中, 学生发展目标, 策略, 以及实施战略规划过程的时间表. This concentration focuses on developing the 管理 以及领导能力 critical for success in the twenty-first century.

Student sitting on a bench with laptop in lap and open textbook on the bench in the College of Business lobby.


医疗保健管理专业 integrates the concepts of strategic planning such as visioning and adapting to internal and external environmental changes within the health care industry. Core business principles and practices of health care issues are taught to prepare students to effectively manage health care organizations.

Three students working on assignment together in the 商业与航空学院 lobby, 带着笔记本电脑和两本课本.


人力资源管理专业 integrates human resource concepts through an examination of the characteristics and 设计 of performance appraisal systems and the development of effective systems for selecting, 分类, 安排人员. It covers the theory and practice of compensation management and the effect of alternative wage and salary systems on employee performance. This concentration includes content on current legislation and issues in human resource management.

Professor sitting next to student in a computer lab, while pointing at students computer screen.


信息系统管理专业 integrates the knowledge and skills in data warehousing and data mining technologies required for solving complex problems of data and information management, 信息检索, 以及现代组织面临的知识发现. 它包括概念化, 设计, and implementation of supply chains in dynamic global markets that strategically utilize information technologies to improve decision-making regarding resources, 物流, 采购, and supply contracting; product and process 设计; and revenue management, 库存, 风险管理, 挖掘企业数据仓库, and the concepts of enterprise resource planning (ERP) to provide for effective data-driven decision-making for the formulation and execution of business 策略.


的主要好处之一 工商管理 硕士学位 是你职业生涯的加速和轨迹吗. 的se are critical leadership skills that help business professionals move up the ranks in their organizations. MBAs are appropriate for students from a wide range of industry and educational backgrounds: business, 计算机科学, 技术, 艺术, 科学, 工程, 医疗, 非营利组织, 和更多的. Our MBA program trains you to solve complex problems and make informed decisions while providing you with the hard and soft skills needed in business.

mba让员工获得更高的收入. 根据 2023年GMAC公司招聘人员调查, even after accounting for inflation, employers project higher 2023 MBA salaries in the U.S. 与2022年的预测相比. 2021年, 平均起薪 MBA毕业生比学士毕业生高出22-40%. 的 GMAC report found that full-time North American MBA students received a 50% median compensation increase from pre-MBA to post-graduation: from $80,000 to $120,000.

联邦快递等公司, Retzer资源, 巴克斯特, 北葵花医疗中心, 玻利瓦尔医疗中心, 沃尔玛, 种植园主银行, 克利夫兰州立银行, BankPlus, 国务卿办公室, 胡玛纳, 还有很多公司聘用了KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载的MBA校友.


Being from another country, my main focus was to find somewhere where I felt at home and included. 三角洲州超出了我的预期! 而且课程安排也很方便,我可以先工作再去上课.



KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载,我们理解负担得起的教育的重要性. 虽然我们目前没有专门为MBA课程提供奖学金, 我们确实为州外学生提供负担得起的学费,不收取额外费用. 除了, we work closely with students to identify and apply for federal and state financial aid programs, 还有学生贷款和国家奖学金. We are committed to providing our students with all of the tools necessary to succeed in business within multiple industries, 包括获得负担得起的教育和财政支持.


的 purpose of an MBA is to provide training in theory and practice of business management. 的 MBA program is for professionals and managers seeking to add to their skill set in anticipation of increased career opportunities, 以及希望继续学业的应届毕业生. We give you the tools you need to advance in your field while maximizing the value of the career experience you already possess.



的 following is required to be admitted into the 工商管理硕士 program.

  • Has earned a baccalaureate degree which is fully accredited by one of the recognized accrediting agencies, 并符合研究生院入学的所有其他要求.
  • 3.平均绩点0(如申请人有4年以上专业经验*,可获豁免).

附学术条件录取. 本科GPA不低于3分的申请人.0或工作经验可有条件录取,并具有学术学位. 的 applicant must earn at least a “B” in each of the first 3 courses in order to continue in the program.

Applicants lacking undergraduate preparation in business courses (with a grade of “C” or higher) will be required to take MBA foundation courses and earn at least a grade of “B.”


MBA基础课程 本科课程
MBA 515:管理会计/金融 行政协调会320:管理会计
MBA 525:管理理论/商业法 GBA 220:营商的法律环境
MBA 535:经济学/市场营销理论 ECO 210:宏观经济学原理
ECO 211:微观经济学原理
MKT 300:市场营销原则
MBA 545:统计/信息系统 本 200:统计
CIS 205:微型计算机应用

*Note: Years of experience should be 管理/supervisory or professional-level work experience.




课程数量 科目名称 学分
600年ACC 管理会计 3
612年生态 管理经济学 3
翅片600 财务管理 3
XXX 601 商业分析调查* 3
MKT 600 战略营销 3
本605 人力资源管理 3
本695 战略项目管理** 3
总计 21

*注:601课程可以作为CIS, 鳍, 本, 或MKT,但只能采取3个学分.


课程数量 科目名称 学分
任何研究生水平的商业课程, 没有被列为核心MBA要求或MBA基础课程, 是一门选修课吗. 9
总计 9


课程数量 科目名称 学分
本622 卫生保健风险管理 3
本650 医疗保健法律和道德 3
本670 卫生保健管理和政策 3
总计 9


课程数量 科目名称 学分
本620 招聘、选拔和绩效评估 3
本655 工资及薪金管理 3
本660 人力资源立法和当前问题 3
总计 9


课程数量 科目名称 学分
606年独联体 企业数据仓库 3
618年独联体 商业智能 3
624年独联体 企业资源规划 3
630年独联体 资讯科技策略 3
总计 12



  • 满足KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载研究生学位的一般要求.
  • 完成、安全批准并提交学习计划.
  • Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of graduate credits consisting of 18 hours in core business courses and 12 hours of approved electives (emphasis area).
  • 在学习计划中包括至少24个学期的600级课程.
  • 获得并保持G.P.A. 至少3个.总成绩0分,3分.在一个重点领域.

Students who earn grades of three “C’s” or one grade of “D” or “F” will be dismissed from the program.

有关学位要求的更多信息, 完成学位所需课程的具体内容, 和政策, 咨询毕业生 学术目录.
