
Our B.A. 在英语中,这只是你故事的开始

The 英语文学学士学位 is housed within the 文理学院 and offers small class sizes and a dedicated faculty who provide the highest quality instruction. The B.A. degree in English was made for students with an interest in reading, writing, philosophy, languages, media, 和沟通. Our faculty use “smart” classrooms, which allow subjects of study to come alive in video and audio. Upper-level courses provide the necessary subject matter concentration for students preparing for careers or graduate work in the humanities in one of three content area concentrations: literature, 创意写作, and philosophy. 你是否想为我们的 学生报纸, edit our 文学期刊, or tutor others in our student-only Writing Center, the Division of Languages and Literature provides students with the skills necessary to succeed in the classroom and the boardroom.








Seven engaged students looking toward the front of the classroom.

The aim of the Division of Languages and Literature is to provide high-quality instruction in the study of literature, composition, 英语教学法, communication, philosophy, and foreign languages in order to develop critically literate scholars, writers, and educators prepared to engage a global society. Our faculty of active scholars and committed teachers support our students in and outside the classroom, while our internship program allows students to obtain real-world experience in their chosen field before they graduate.

  • 灵活的兼职课程安排
  • 在线和面对面的学生咨询
  • 出版物车间
  • 英语荣誉学会


Student in class sitting at a desk, writing in tablet.


集中于 创意写作 帮助学生为从事编辑工作做好准备, journalism, and teaching, as well as graduate programs in 创意写作 and literature. It is a program of study characterized by flexibility and a hands-on approach to writing genres, 书籍版式与设计, 以及报纸制作. 集中度的一个标志是关闭, mentoring engagement with 创意写作 faculty and guest writers, 也有机会在两国发表文章 德尔塔声明,我们屡获殊荣的本科生报纸,以及 《KOK体育app官方下载软件官方手机版app下载》, a literary magazine published every spring by students in the program.

书在桌子上打开, surrounded by other books stacked on the same table and in a bookshelf behind the table.


的浓度 英国文学 helps students to understand and evaluate English-language literature, assisting them to become critically literate scholars, writers, and educators prepared to engage a global society. The recently revised curriculum of seminar courses provides the necessary subject matter concentration for students preparing for careers or graduate work in the humanities in an environment that prioritizes student engagement.

Student speaking while sitting in desk during class with two other students listening, 她的两边各一个.


The Philosophy concentration offers students opportunities to pose and respond to fundamental questions about existence and human values. It is ideal for students interested in pursuing graduate study in the humanities, as well as professional programs such as law and medical school. Upper-level electives provide training in the composition of clear, 理性的观点, while maintaining a position sympathetic to varied perspectives and cultures.


英语学位的用途非常广泛. The skills developed through our bachelor’s program in English will transfer confidently to any number of jobs, such as:

  • Copy editor
  • Publisher
  • 中学教师
  • 高中教师
  • Librarian
  • Archivist
  • 报纸记者/编辑
  • 杂志记者/编辑


The Division of Languages and Literature has one of the most robust scholarship programs at the university. Students may be eligible for more than 15 discipline-specific awards. Most scholarships are merit-based and some have residential requirements or preferences. Students may also be eligible for non-program specific scholarship opportunities.


The Division of Languages and Literature offers numerous internship opportunities for its students both on and off campus. Internships partner students with organizations such as the University Press of Mississippi, 三角洲文化与学习中心, the Charles W. Capps, Jr. Archive and Museum, and the Roberts-LaForge Library. The following are examples of possible internships:

  • Communications
  • 创意出版
  • 学术出版
  • 写作中心行政
  • New Media
  • 创意写作教学法
  • 档案管理 & 博物馆管理者的职务
  • Library Science

Program Goals

Our goal is to train critically literate scholars, writers, and educators prepared to engage a global society no matter where their degree in English takes them. 从教室到会议室, 我们的毕业生继续从事教育事业, media, marketing, technology, publishing, 以及无数其他领域, while others pursue graduate degrees in literature, 创意写作, 教育学——甚至法律或商业.


The 英语文学学士学位 Program has no additional admissions requirements. Students only need to meet the admissions requirements set by Delta State University.


The following courses are required to complete the major in English plus one concentration.

English (Major)

Categories 课程编号及课程名称 Credits
General ENG 304:高级构图
ENG 435:威廉·莎士比亚
ENG 490:高级顶点研讨会
Internship ENG 491:实习:创意出版
ENG 493:学术出版实习
ENG 494: Internship in 写作中心行政
ENG 496:新媒体实习
ENG 497:创意写作教学法实习
ENG 498:档案管理实习 & 博物馆管理者的职务
ENG 499:实习:图书馆学
COM 493:实习:通讯
In addition, select one course from two of the four categories 6
Period Elective 英语401:早期温和文学
ENG 403:后殖民文学
ENG 405:现代主义文学
ENG 407:后现代文学
ENG 411:当代文学
Genre Elective 英文420:通俗小说
ENG 421:戏剧研讨会
ENG 422:史诗
ENG 424:新新闻
单作者选修课 ENG 433:马克·吐温
ENG 445:托尼·莫里森
多样性的选择 英语461:布鲁斯文学
ENG 462:女性文学
ENG 466: Disability Studies in Literature and Film


Categories 课程编号及课程名称 Credits
General ENG 202:创意写作入门
英语309:英国文学研讨会I or
英语310:英国文学研讨会II or
英语312:美国文学研讨会I; or
ENG 313:美国文学研讨会II
Workshop ENG 220:学生刊物工作坊
ENG 320:诗歌创作工作坊 or
ENG 321:小说写作工作坊 or
ENG 322:创意非虚构写作工作坊 or
ENG 324:创意写作技巧


Course Number Course Title Credits
ENG 309 英国文学研讨会一 3
ENG 310 英国文学研讨会II 3
ENG 312 美国文学研讨会一 3
ENG 313 美国文学研讨会二 3
Additional 英语选修课(英语300级或以上) 6


Courses Credits
英语选修课(英语300级或以上) 6
超过PHI 201的高级哲学选修课 12


要获得这个学位, you must successfully complete at least 120 credits, including your general education requirements and the major requirements below. You must also earn a grade point average of at least 2.0 in the major field overall and successfully complete the Senior Capstone project.

通识教育 38-41
大学要求 1
特殊学位要求 12-15
Major 34
Minor 15-24
Electives 5-20
总学位要求 120

For more information on degree requirements and specifics on courses needed to complete the degree, 咨询本科生 学术目录. For a semester-by-semester breakdown on how you can complete this degree in 4-years, visit academic maps.
